Month: September 2012


Capture The Moment

My wife, Martie, is a great shopper. When she shops for groceries, she reads all the nutrition labels and considers the best deal by looking at the price per unit. But her best trick is looking for the “use by” date. She doesn’t just grab the first gallon of milk she sees, but rather she goes for the gallon with the latest “use by” date so she can bring home the freshest milk from the store.

What Jesus meant when He instructed us to pray “Thy kingdom come”

Tuesday, September 25, 2012, Part 5

“In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come” (Matthew 6:9).

IDEA: The kingdom is where the king is.

PURPOSE: To help listeners grasp the dimensions of Christ’s kingdom.

For His Glory

You can learn a lot by walking with others through tough times. That’s been the case for us as our friends Sam and Carol have trudged through Sam’s cancer journey. For a year we watched and prayed as he endured the treatment and the pain. And just when it seemed he was in the clear, a new diagnosis reported more cancer.


Many years ago, an editor of The Farmer’s Almanac predicted the weather conditions for every day of the coming year except July 13. He figured it could be filled in the next morning. But that evening, the office boy told him that the printer needed the manuscript immediately. The editor ordered the office boy: “Put [...]

Discover what it means to come out of the darkness and live as people of the light

Monday, September 24, 2012, Part 4

“In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come” (Matthew 6:9).

IDEA: The kingdom is where the king is.

PURPOSE: To help listeners grasp the dimensions of Christ’s kingdom.

Fighting Off Jealousy

The story is told of two shop- keepers who were bitter rivals. They spent each day keeping track of each other’s business. If one got a customer, he would smile triumphantly at his rival.

three evils

On January 12, 2010, Haiti was hit by a magnitude 7.0 earthquake that leveled an estimated 250,000 homes and 30,000 buildings, killing nearly 300,000 people. A cholera outbreak a few months later claimed thousands more lives. Philosophers have a name for this kind of devastation. They call it natural evil. With its earthquakes, famines, diseases, [...]

The Forgotten God

By Priskila Dewi Setyawan, Indonesia In this world, we often forget God We do not rely on God and His authority. We like to hold on to our personal desires, and the things we believe will lead us to beautiful and perfect destinations. So we experience a variety of emotions: Dilemma, anxiety, frustration, and desperation. [...]

Available Now!

The Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered in the late 1940s, contain the oldest known copies of the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament). For decades, the scrolls have been carefully guarded and their use often restricted to a small group of scholars. In an effort to preserve the ancient fragments while broadening access to them, the Israel Antiquities Authority, in partnership with Google, is making high-resolution images of the 2,000-year-old scrolls available to everyone online.

laughter and tears

In September 2011, Stacie Crimm held her newborn baby and “laughed and cried all at once.” Surely most mothers are overcome with emotion as they see and touch the new life freshly emerged from the womb. But Stacie’s emotions were particularly poignant, for just 3 days later she died of cancer. During the pregnancy, she [...]

I Just Saw Jesus

Years ago I lost my job in my chosen profession due to circumstances beyond my control. So I took on two lesser-paying jobs in order to try to make ends meet. Yet it still was very difficult to earn enough to pay my monthly expenses.

enjoy God

The crewmembers of an international airline that makes a daily flight to Uganda stay at a hotel down the street from my home. During their 24 hours in the country, many of them visit my organization, Tukutana, and spend time with children in our programs. The guests often bring gifts. This past Friday, though, two [...]

Wisdom from Ephesus: The Gospel of John, Part I

Ephesus is one of the most stunning archaeological sites in the modern world

The challenges of living as responsible residents of two worlds

Friday, September 21, 2012, Part 3

“In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come” (Matthew 6:9).

IDEA: The kingdom is where the king is.

PURPOSE: To help listeners grasp the dimensions of Christ’s kingdom.

Much Trouble

A young boy named Riley started a fight with Avery on the school playground after a soccer match. The teacher broke it up, and both boys were sent to the principal’s office. Later, Avery said, “And of course, like always, we both got in trouble.” But he shared that he learned a lesson: “God is always with us, even if we get in as much trouble as this.”

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